Rehoboth Calvinistic Methodist Church - Llangollen (1904)

Here meetings are attended by a large number of young men, and one night after the meeting, four remained. During the past week, the services have been conducted at all the chapels in the town with ever increasing earnestness and good results. (There were 30 converts reported on 21st January 1905)

From, 'The Wrexham Advertiser', 31st December 1904.

United prayer meetings have been held in this town for six weeks now. The struggle was very hard for the first month. The fifth week came and great things resulted. Converts were received every night from Monday evening to the following Sunday evening, 38 being added to the churches, making the number up to 50 since the beginning of the meetings.

From, 'The Wrexham Advertiser', 4th February 1905.

Every church in the town is revived and has witnessed many conversions, the number in the small town being already about 100 – many hundreds, counting the surrounding district. Sectarianism is now almost annihilated. Committees give way to prayer meetings, organisations baptised with the holy unction, the atmosphere of the church becomes more spiritual… This revival works towards righteousness; it is a social elevation as well as a great renewal in spiritual life.

"Llangollen Advertiser," 17th February 1905.

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