Noddfa Baptist Church, Treorchy - Evan Roberts (1904)

From a merely spectacular point of view, apart from its warmth, intelligence, and spiritual fervour, the great meeting held in Noddfa Baptist Chapel, Treorky, this evening was the most remarkable I have yet attended in connection with Mr Evan Roberts’s progress through the mining districts in connection with the Welsh revival. There is ordinary sitting accommodation for upwards of 1,500 people in the building, and it has often accommodated 2,000, yet it was manifest about an hour before the time fixed for opening the evening Service that on this occasion it would be totally inadequate to meet the needs of the vast crowds who were flocking its precincts. The danger of a “rush” was so great that arrangements were made to provide for the safety of the people. When the congregation was in its place the sight from the rostrum was a magnificent one as one looked at the tiers of people on the galleries which surround the entire chapel, while the body of the immense structure was simply packed. But to return to the great night meeting. Passing into the immense building through the crowd which surrounded the chapel, Mr Evan Roberts was so impressed with the scene that he immediately asked for prayers for a blessing on those who were outside, as well as those who had gained admittance. Thin was instantly responded to, and the young revivalist next called for prayers for a young man who had, not consented to come to Christ while he (the speaker) was on his way into that meeting. It was a sister’s request, he said, and if they prayed that the man would be saved before dawn he would be. He was certain of it, for the Bible told them to expect such answers to their petitions. What they needed was not only to get the world to believe but to get the Church to believe. He was confident that they were going to have souls saved at the afternoon meeting, and they came—35 of them. But there was not an atom of credit due to man—to any man—it was simply, due to the Holy Ghost. The principal subject of the evening’s address was “Faith.”

From, 'The Western Mail', 1st December 1904.

I do not know which chapel he refers to.

I have arrived here safely. I am writing this at midday. There is a great revival here, praying and singing in every chapel and it is as if nobody here is working at all. Singing and praying all night through, almost, and all along the street. The colliers come from their work in the morning and sing all along the road. I went to chapel at 10 o’clock this morning, I’ve never seen such a place in my life, praying and singing – the women and everybody praying and shouting 'hallelujah' etc. It was a great effort for me to keep myself from shouting with all my might 'hallelujah.' It was very easy to shout out and it seemed to me that there were angels at the top of the chapel, because the place was so heavenly…

"Y Glorian," 17th December 1904.

Additional Information

The church was demolished, as have many in Treorchy.

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