James Caughey Liverpool meeting - Brunswick (1842-1843)

Next day, Oct. 30th, (1842,) we landed at Liverpool; and that evening attended divine service in the Wesleyan chapel, (Brunswick,) and heard a most powerful sermon from the Rev. Dr Beaumont. My friend, Mr Fannin, whom I mentioned in the beginning of this letter, introduced me to the Doctor before sermon. He gave me a very cordial welcome to England, and invited me to preach for him; this I refused, but afterwards assisted him in the prayer meeting.

The Rev. Mr Farrar, and his colleagues in the ministry, together with the leaders and local preachers of the Brunswick chapel, becoming pressing in their solicitations, that I should return to the circuit, and hold a few meetings in the above place of’ worship, we reluctantly concluded the services among the Welsh. The Brunswick chapel is an elegant building, with an imposing front, adorned with columns, and stands on a fine and elevated situation. The interior is handsomely fitted up in the form of an amphitheatre, one tier of seats rising above another to a considerable height, without any gallery, with the exception of two small wings behind the pulpit, to the right and left of the orchestra and organ. It seats about seventeen hundred, but twenty-three hundred can be crowded into it. Various opinions were circulated in town, respecting the results of revival efforts in this chapel. Many wealthy families worship here, and the general character of the congregation is serious and intelligent. “We shall see,” said the speculators, “how revivals will go on among the aristocracy of Methodism.” The prevailing opinion was, that as they had long been considered the opponents of noise and excitement, a failure would be the unquestionable result. Blessed be God, such speculations and prophecies

have come to nothing. Never have I laboured with more freedom and delight in any congregation, or with greater success, than in the Brunswick chapel. There was little, if any, of that mean and secret opposition I have met with elsewhere. When there was a burst of noise, attended with a good deal of what is considered revival confusion, they bore it with a noble generosity and a forbearance that did them honour. Men and women of mind, education, and influence, retained their seats in solemn awe. They saw the distress of sinners, and sympathized with them, and how peculiarly the ministers and leaders were situated; often taking our part, saying, “We do not see how the meetings could be managed better, if the revival is to go on at all. The congregation is increasing, the society enlarging, classes are being filled with converted sinners from the world. That we needed such a visitation as this is quite plain, whatever the results may be; and we shall neither run away from this astonishing movement, nor shall we oppose it.” It is right, however, that credit should be given where it is due. I am convinced, that the noble conduct of many influential individuals and families, has imbibed a most gracious influence from the position taken

by their excellent Superintendent and his worthy colleagues. These servants of God, in public and private, acknowledge and defend the revival; and great as is their popularity, cheerfully and generously offer me their pulpits, and every co-operation within their power.

During the first week, forty professed conversion; and during the next, forty-four. The revival is still progressing gloriously in Brunswick chapel. Many have been saved within a few days past. I have been preaching to the young the last two nights, and the word of the Lord has had free course and is glorified.

My labours are now nearly finished in this town. On the nights of the 5th, 6th, and 7th of April, 1843, I preached farewell sermons in Great Homer street, Brunswick, and Pitt Street chapels. Two of those nights, the rain came down in torrents, but this did not prevent the chapels from being crowded.

Additional Information

See the link to see1861 map. http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/LAN/Liverpool/Brunswick.shtml. When in site go to 'Old Maps'. It was being used as a warehouse when it was burned down in 1963. On the following link you can see a photo of the church.

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